Webflow Professional Partner

Transparent processes and communication on equal footing.

We prefer clear, concise language to vague, ambiguous phrases. Our proven processes and agile project teams enable us to achieve our goals efficiently and effectively.

Toby Kirch & Malte Kriewald: We are your authentic web and branding agency for unforgettable brand appearances.

We are an experienced web agency specialising in Webflow and branding.  Instead of buzzwords and empty phrases, we value clear, open words. In a world full of digital possibilities, you need a brand identity that sticks in people's minds. How do we do that?
We empathise with you, your audience and your business objectives, and translate them into effective action. With over 20 years of experience in digital projects, we are your trusted partner. We are always available, independent and accountable.

More than just a web agency

Do you want a website that reflects your brand, is unique and at the same time ensures conversions?

As a web and branding agency, we develop solutions that impress your customers and Google. Whether it's a corporate website or a landing page — we'll take your brand to the next level. In addition to web development, we offer you unforgettable branding that reflects your company vision and values — that is our goal. As an experienced web and branding agency in Cologne, we give your brand a tangible personality. What do you get out of it? An authentic brand presence that impresses potential customers. Webflow-Agentur- und Branding-Agentur entwickeln wir Lösungen, die deine Kunden und Google überzeugen. Ob Corporate Website oder Landingpage – wir bringen deine Brand auf das nächste Level. Neben der Webentwicklung bieten wir dir ein unvergessliches Branding, das deine Unternehmensvision und -werte widerspiegelt - das ist unser Ziel.

Was hast du davon? Einen authentischen Markenauftritt, der potenzielle Kunden überzeugt.

We're more than just designers — we're a reliable sparring partner for your brand. With our view from outside and our experience in a wide range of industries, we are here to support you in the long term. We help you to continuously strengthen your online presence.

Kirch & Kriewald OfficeThe office - Kirch & KriewaldThe office - Kirch & Kriewald

Authentic communication for people and brands

Wir bieten dir Authentizität, Erfahrung und eine Partnerschaft, die auf Vertrauen aufbaut. Wir freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam mit dir deine Ziele zu verwirklichen.

Your web and branding agency without buzzwords and marketing blah-blah.

Unkomplizierte Abläufe

Kirch & Kriewald ist inhabergeführt und unabhängig.

Das bedeutet für dich: Du hast immer einen direkten Ansprechpartner, der als aktiver Gestalter in das Projekt eingebunden ist. Kurze Wege garantieren unkomplizierte Abläufe und kosteneffizientes Arbeiten.


Es darf laut und leise sein, bunt und schrill, provokant oder konservativ – Hauptsache, es bleibt authentisch. Das ist uns wichtig und so arbeiten wir. Wir glauben daran, dass nur authentisches Design und authentische Kommunikation bei deiner Zielgruppe die richtige Wirkung erzielen.

Authentisch bedeutet: Du musst dich nicht verstellen, sondern einfach du selbst sein!


Wir legen Wert auf partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und verstehen uns als Sparringspartner auf dem Weg zur optimalen Lösung für deine Marke.

Dabei schätzen wir langfristige Beziehungen, in denen beide Seiten gemeinsam wachsen.

That's what our customers say

Our website is our business card and should radiate the creative and agile spirit of our agency. Malte and Toby understood this from the start.
The close and flexible cooperation during the project was characterized by maximum transparency, targeted advice and creative freedom on both sides.

If you are looking for a reliable partner who plays the Champions League in terms of expertise and humanity, Kirch & Kriewald is in good hands. ”

Marco Hussels

Marco Hussels
Project manager

“Malte and Toby were the ultimate stroke of luck for our Webflow relaunch. Both are very good at empathizing with us as customers as well as with our respective target groups and delivering appropriate work results accordingly.

I'm very happy about the Webflow-Support durch Malte und Toby und freue mich auf alle gemeinsamen Themen, an denen wir noch arbeiten werden.“

Laura Gaber

Laura Gaber
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Wherever SIM

“For the relaunch of our website, we have found an excellent partner in Kirch & Kriewald who has succeeded in making our brand essence tangible for our customers.

From the website design (including shop connection) up to implementation and ongoing support, we appreciate not only the creative ideas but also the reliable cooperation and proactive advice. In the meantime, all print products — from flyers to elaborate coaching tool — implemented by Kirch & Kriewald. ”

Marius Kursawe

Marius Kursawe

“As an architectural photographer, my website the most important means of communication. It goes without saying that you need a good and reliable partner for this important issue.

With Malte and Toby, I finally found it - after a long search. The two do substantially good work, contribute their own ideas and are two friendly team players. Thank you for working with us! ”

Philip Kistner

Philip Kistner

“In summer 2020, we began our collaboration with successful relaunch started our company website and has gradually expanded its branding since then. I am very satisfied with the systematic approach, the short lines of communication and the convincing results.

Kirch & Kriewald's ideas are inspiring and the implementation is very appealing. ”

Guido Grammatke

Guido Gramatke
VETTEN Krane und Service GmbH

“In the event sector, unless you do graphics and studio work in-house, you need a creative, goal-oriented and effective partner for designs and layouts. I found this with the agency Kirch & Kriewald.

Both when developing the visual appearance for new event concepts As well as with the necessary adaptations for existing visuals, I am happy to have Toby and Malte by my side. ”

Sebastian Lange

Sebastian Lange
Zwo Zwo eins Konzept GmbH

“We have felt that we are in good hands with Kirch and Kriewald for years. What counts for us as a medium-sized company with few human resources is the quick availability of the two owners, both are very committed and always reliable.

Agreements are kept and last but not least, creativity and ideas are always at a high level. We can fully recommend Kirch and Kriewald. ”

Marc Herkenberg

Marc Herkenberg
Head of back office
KaRo Kanal- und Rohrreinigungsmaschinen GmbH

“When it comes to concept and design, Toby and Malte's designs are always on point. Even though I didn't have the point so clear myself. Kirch and Kriewald have been accompanying me and my company for over 8 years, from Relaunch of the website, the development of microsites, our print manuals and exhibition stands.

They use exactly what I need for me, nothing more and nothing less. Just a stroke of luck! ”

Michael Zähl

Michael Zähl
Zähl Elektronik-Tontechnik

Selected customers

Over the past few years, we've had the pleasure of working with the following customers:

  • 1.FC Köln
  • Aral Aktiengesellschaft
  • bannerstop GmbH
  • C&A
  • Christian Ehrhoff
  • ConVista Consulting
  • DHL Paket GmbH
  • DreamHaus GmbH
  • eBay Marketplaces GmbH
  • FC Schalke 04
  • Haufe Akademie GmbH & Co. KG
  • KaRo GmbH
  • Kölner Sportstätten GmbH
  • Lukas Podolski Foundation
  • Mathias Mester
  • nexpera GmbH
  • preis24.de
  • PSD Bank West eG
  • Rheinauhafen Köln
  • Siedepunkt Kreativagentur
  • Sparhandy
  • Stadt Köln
  • taod Consulting GmbH
  • toom Baumarkt GmbH
  • VELTINS-Arena
  • VETTEN Krane & Service GmbH
  • Wherever SIM GmbH
  • Zähl Elektronik-Tontechnik

So kommen wir zusammen

Bei einem ersten Kennenlernen stellen wir dir zunächst eine Menge Fragen, um dich, deine Marke und deine Mitbewerber besser zu verstehen.

Nach einer ersten Analyse, in der wir deine wichtigsten Anforderungen aufgenommen haben, machen wir dir ein Angebot. Kommen wir auf dieser Grundlage zusammen, erarbeiten wir einen detaillierten Fahrplan für das weitere Vorgehen.

Hört sich gut an? Dann nimm Kontakt  zu uns auf – wir sind gespannt auf dein Projekt.

Lass uns sprechen
Kontakt - Kirch & Kriewald