PRK DreamHaus - Webflow Launch & Marketing-Support

— Webflow CMS implementation
— Webflow design
— Webflow Support
— Weglot integration
— Jetboost filtering
PRK DreamHaus - Webflow Design Umsetzung
Pfeil nach unten

Project details

DreamHaus organizes tours as well as festivals (e.g. Rock am Ring & Rock im Park) and is part of the Eventim Live promoter network of CTS EVENTIM.

CTS EVENTIM is one of the leading international providers of ticketing and live entertainment. Before the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, around 250 million tickets per year were marketed via the company's systems - stationary, online and mobile.

2022 - 2025

Webflow design & CMS implementation

For the launch of the new brand DreamHaus we were allowed to plan, implement and continuously optimize the webflow design and the webflow CMS. In cooperation with the lead agency and the marketing department of DreamHaus, we implemented a modern and user-friendly design that reflects the unique character of the brand.

The CMS we implemented allows the team to centrally manage over 150 talents with over 500 shows. To cater to the international target audience, the website was designed to be multilingual and implemented in cooperation with the team in Weglot. One of the most important features of the new website is the Jetboost filter and search integration, which allows users to easily navigate and quickly find the talent and shows they are looking for.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with DreamHaus and helping them achieve their online goals well into the future. If you too are looking for a reliable webflow agency for your web projects, we are here to help. We look forward to hearing from you!

Mobile View

arrow leftarrow right
Shows Mobile DreamHaus
Festivals DreamHaus
Menu Mobile DreamHaus
Talent Filter DreamHaus
Talent Detail DreamHaus

Used in the project
No-Code Tools

Weglot logo

with Weglot

Jetboost logo

Multivariate filters &
On-page search with Jetboost

Need support for your next project?
Let's talk!

Give us a call or send us an email. We are happy to meet you.
We are happy to meet you.

Contact - Kirch & Kriewald

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