Webflow microsite for Haufe in-house training

— Webflow design
— Concept & Design
— Imagery & image research
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Haufe.Akademie in-house training

The Haufe.Akademie offers tailor-made solutions and services for shaping the future of companies and continuing education for specialists and managers. Among other things, Haufe offers in-house training for companies — locally or digitally. With extensive experience and a large pool of over 1300 experts, customers can choose from a wide range of proven concepts.

We were commissioned to design and implement a microsite for in-house training in Webflow for Haufe.Akademie.

Project details

Haufe Academy GmbH & Co. KG

Webflow microsite

For Haufe.Akademie, we designed and designed a microsite on the subject of in-house training. Based on existing pages and the company's corporate design, the microsite was implemented in Webflow. In addition to concept, design and implementation, we were also commissioned to research and design the image world in line with corporate design.

Home Desktop - Haufe

Microsite Services
Haufe - In-house training

Mobile View

Home Mobile

Home Mobile - Haufe - In-house training

Mobile product search

Product search - Haufe - In-house training

Mobile detail page

Mobile - Haufe detail page

Mobile appointment request

Booking appointment request mobile - Haufe - Inhouse trainings
Virtual Classroom - Haufe - In-house Training

Virtual Classroom

As an innovative continuing education company, Haufe.Akademie reacts quickly to changing situations.

Expanded Haufe.Akademie due to the corona pandemic is accelerating its services in the area of virtual classroom in the course of the project in order to also enable continuing education in the home office in a modern way.

Used in the project
No-Code Tools

Figma Logo

Design, prototyping & feedback tool for the agile design process with Figma

MarkUp Logo

Visual feedback for the website launch process using MarkUp

Webflow logo

Website & CMS implementation with Webflow

Need support for your next project?
Let's talk!

Give us a call or send us an email. We are happy to meet you.

Contact - Kirch & Kriewald

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