Webflow relaunch & logo design for bbuilt.de

— Logo design
— Online product request
— Webflow CMS implementation
— Page speed optimization
BBUILT Logodesign & Website
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Project details

We were commissioned to

Wir wurden beauftragt das logo As well as the webpage one relaunch to subject. In terms of content and design, the website was completely redesigned and technically optimized. Faster loading times and technical search engine optimization were a focus here. The website was implemented and the CMS with Webflow.

BBUILT Exhibition Services

Webflow Design & CMS

Based on the revised corporate design, we have redesigned, and implemented the website. The existing Joomla CMS was powered by a Webflow CMS replaced.

The CMS enables customers to independently create and change projects, new job offers and the products they offer. The planning as well as the technical implementation of the CMS came from our hands. Online partition request implemented, which offers the user the opportunity to request the partitions offered via a form.

Wir freuen uns nach dem erfolgreichen Relaunch über eine weitere langfristige Zusammenarbeit.

Home Mobile - BBUILT

Home Mobile

Mobile project detail page - BBUILT

Mobile product detail page

Mobile partition request - BBUILT

Mobile partition request

Desktop partition request - BBUILT

Online partition request

In addition to classic exhibition construction, BBUILT rents and sells partitions.

One requirement for the relaunch of the website was to enable the user to request the available partitions via a form. For this purpose, we have designed and implemented a central landing page, as well as detailed pages for all partitions.

Corporate Design & Logo Design

Original logo - BBUILT

BBUILT logo - original

Logo reworked - BBUILT

BBUILT logo - reworked

No-Code Tools used in the project

Figma Logo

Design, prototyping & feedback tool for the agile design process with Figma

MarkUp Logo

Visual feedback for the website launch process using MarkUp

Need support for your next project?
Let's talk!

Give us a call or send us an email. We are happy to meet you.
We are happy to meet you.

Contact - Kirch & Kriewald

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